League Mono is the featured font, we take a look at getting the most out of Google variable fonts, modern CSS techniques for improving legibility and Gill Sans.

I can’t believe it’s already one month since my last newsletter. Time passes so quickly, especially when I’m working so hard and rushing to launch UX Buddy in September. Luckily, there are only 3 more weeks until I take some time off and rest a bit.


🎁 I organised a giveaway to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Better Web Type Book. I promised I would give away 3 printed copies of the special edition of the book to 3 randomly chosen customers that buy the digital version. Here are the winners: Davide Quaranta, Niklas Stiller and Belinda White. 🥳 Congratulations! I’ll be in touch to get your addresses.

📖 With such high demand for the printed version of the book, I decided to find a way to make the high-quality print edition available again. Stay tuned, I’ll send out an update out soon.


Getting the most out of variable fonts on Google fonts

An article by Stephen Nixon for CSS Tricks on variable fonts. A must-read!

Read more →

Font of the month

League Mono

This monospaced font is somewhat unusual as it comes in eight weights. Each of them looks really good and the font itself also looks awesome if used in a code editor.

Check it out →

Cool Articles

Modern CSS techniques to improve legibility
Edoardo Cavazza wrote an exhaustive guide to improving legibility with the latest CSS techniques. It takes a while to get through the article but it’s well worth it.

The fastest Google fonts
Harry Roberts brings his typically analytical approach to making Google fonts even faster.

Eric Gill got it wrong; a re-evaluation of Gill Sans
We recently compared Gill Sans and Johnston in a puzzle. This article goes beyond the most obvious differences between the two typefaces.

A step-by-step guide for pairing fonts
Here’s an alternative approach to combining fonts. It’s a bit different from what I suggested in mine but an interesting approach nevertheless.

New resources

Font in Logo
A website where you can learn what font was used for famous logos.

Programming fonts
Preview 98 programming fonts to choose the one you like the best. My favourite is still JetBrains Mono 😜

About the Author

Matej is a self-taught designer passionate about web typography and beautiful typefaces. More than 30.000 designers learned about better web typography through his free course. He’s also the author of the book Better Web Typography for a Better Web.

@matejlatin | matejlatin.com
