Hellvetica is the featured free font of this edition, we take a look at typographic illusions, accessible dropcaps as well as words and phrases that originated in the field of typography.

How is it going? I just wrapped up a part of the work for my new project but I’m not taking any rest just yet. There’s more work I want to still do by the end of this year.


  1. Last month I launched the website for my new project—UX Buddy. If you’re a designer, looking to take the next steps in your career, you should definitely check it out.


How to choose a font for a project

I recently received an email from a designer called Jared. He went through the typography lessons that I offer as part of the free course and he was very grateful for them. He said he learned a lot but also had one important question: how do I go about choosing a font for my project?

Check it out →

Font of the month


Well yes, this is clearly a joke. But I love how well it’s made and presented. It reminds me so much of this. I wonder if there can be some other use for this font, other than this mockery of course 😂

Check it out →

Cool Articles

Words and phrases in common use which originated in the field of typography

Five phrases that originated in typography. The last one from this list is the coolest and most surprising one. Read more →

Typographic illusions

This is a really interesting link about optical details in typefaces. Read more →

Accessible drop caps

This is how you do drop caps right. Adrian Roselli goes into details and even tests different implementations with the screen reader. Read more →

New resources

Modern and simple css @font-face generator.

Wakamai Fondue
Interesting name, cool tool. Wakamai Fondue shows which features a font supports. Just drag and drop your font.

A library to manipulate font files from Python.

Did you know?

Arial is a copy of Helvetica and is often referred to as “Helvetica’s ugly twin”. It was created to be metrically identical, with all character widths identical, so that a document designed in Helvetica could be displayed and printed correctly without having to pay for a Helvetica license.


That’s it for this month, see you in December! 👋


About the Author

Matej is a self-taught designer passionate about web typography and beautiful typefaces. More than 30.000 designers learned about better web typography through his free course. He’s also the author of the book Better Web Typography for a Better Web.

@matejlatin | matejlatin.com
